6 Fresh Ways To Process Trauma


One way I unknowingly process trauma was through creating different playlist with songs that embodied the feelings emotions experience of whatever I trauma I went through at that time. With that I’ve covered not only relationships whether be platonic or love romantic but also going through college high school becoming an adult figure out who I am and more.  One of my favorite playlist that I frequent is one based around a friendly reminders include that include songs that have lyrics or meanings behind on that remind me to keep going.


Another way to process trauma is through exercising of some kind or doing yoga or stretching. With that I know exercise is recommended frequently for mental health self care.  And also for those who use trauma is rooted in sexual assault or other physical experiences it can be hard to reclaim your body essentially so you can move around. I would genuinely suggest finding something a lot as a kid maybe and slowly be getting exercise or movement through that. Always knowing that you whatever movement you choose to do does not have to be traditional and it can be whatever helps you. For me personally I found myself able to be more grounded and present because I was moving around despite my flashbacks where I wasn’t able to use my body.

Vision Board Or Pinterest

Another way is to create a vision board or collage with some sort. Which I know is another traditional recommendation for mental health but I think if one focuses and puts in an intent around processing their trauma it can work. Can also provide you a constant reminder and team to look at to visualize your goals and where you want to go as well as knowing what the present holds and is capable of instead of focusing on when you were in your trauma experience.

Also another equivalent of that is to go on Pinterest and go down a rabbit hole. Which is a lot easier for some people who are not crafty and don’t wanna make a mess but still want to explore who they are behind their trauma

Try New Skill/Hobby

Another way is to try a skill or hobby that is new and you possibly stayed away from or ignored due to your trauma. For me I started engaging in cooking more as well as arts and crafts or things with my hands. Both of which I stopped doing as a kid after my trauma happened.


Travel is another fantastic way even if it is domestic and international. You can even stay within your own state and go somewhere Neil and be able to not only see where you live in a new light but also a piece of your trauma that you might have struggled with. For me personally that looked like.


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